Thursday, January 22, 2009

25 January 2009: 3rd Sunday After Epiphany

Torah: Deuteronomy 17:14-18:22
Prophet: Isaiah 47:1-15
Writing: II Chronicles 14;1-15:17
Psalm: 103
Epistle: James 1:12-27
Gospel: Mathew 8:1-9:8
Collect: Blesed Saviour, you cleansed lepers and taught in the synagogues. So cleanse us by your power and teach us through your word, that we would shine with grace and truth, that many would come to your kingdom. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKosdesh, one God, in glory everlasting. Amen.

Monday: Lord, as we remember your appearance to St. Paul and his marvellous conversion on this day, so move in our hearts that we would share his passion to proclaim the Gospel. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)

Tuesday: Blessed Lord, you raised up Timothy and Titus to be Bishops in your church. So raise up in this and every generation Bishops who will follow the pure teachings of your blessed word that the church would grow in faith and knowledge and love of you. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)

Wednesday: Heavenly Father, as you raised John Chrysostom to preach the Gospel and suffer for the faith. Grant that all preachers would have the eloquence to proclaim your word so as to build us up in faith and knowledge and love of you. Through the Messiah we pray, Amen. (white)

Thursday: Lord, as you raised Thomas Aquinus as a theologian in your church, grant wisdom as grace that your church may always have teachers to expound the truth and guide us in faith and knowledge of you, that our faith would not be blind, but based on understanding. This we ask through our great teacher Yeshuah, who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)

Friday: God of yesterday, today, and forever, may we always remember the
blessings we have received in the past, celebrate the joy of living each day, and anticipate your being with us tomorrow in this life or the next. This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.

Saturday: Lord God, forgive us for trusting in our own strength rather than turning to you. Open our hearts and minds that we may invite your spirit to live within us and work through us, as witnesses of your love to our broken and hurting world. This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.