Sunday, February 21, 2010

2nd Sunday in Lent: 28 February 2010

Gospel: Genesis 34:1-31
Prophet: Jeremiah 30:1-24
Writing: Psalms of Solomon 15:1-13
Psalm: 119:153-160
For the Epistle: Revelation 20:1-15
Gospel: Mark 8:31-9:1
Collect: Father, you sent Yeshua into the world to be rejected by the authorities and to be crucified for our sins. Guide us O Lord, that we would not be stumbling blocks to Messiah, nor his Kingdom, nor those who seek him. This we ask in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting.

22 February 2010: Moses, transferred from 21st (8 Adar)

23 February 2010: Polycarp, Bishop

24 February 2010: Matthias, Apostle