Sunday, February 1, 2009

8 February 2009: 5th Sunday of Epiphany

Torah: Deuteronomy 20:1-20
Prophet: Isaiah 49:1-50:3
Writing: II Chronicles 17:1-19
Psalm: 103
Epistle: James 3:1-12
Gospel: Matthew 12:9-13
Collect: Lord, you demonstrated your power to forgive sins through healings and miracles. Grant that your church empowered by the Holy Spirit would proclaim your forgiveness to all nations in all times and places. This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.

February 9: Our God, how thankful we are that we need fear no evil for you are with us in spite of fire, floods, earthquake, or tsunami. Your presence sustains us in the midst of the storm. We are so grateful, Lord. Amen.

February 10: Eternal God, who covenanted with Noah, Abraham, and men of old -
covenant with us today as we renew our pledge to follow and serve you all the days of our lives. We pray in the name of Yeshua our Lord. Amen.

February 11: Loving Saviour, we confess that we can do nothing to earn forgiveness, and we are grateful that you pardon our sins in mercy and grace in accordance with your great love. Thank you, Yeshua. Amen.

February 12: Lord our God, we thank you for daily protection and guidance through the Holy Spirit. Keep our hearts in tune with you through prayer, so we may discern your will for our daily walk with you. This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.

February 13: Our God in whom we live and move and have our being, grant us your
presence to live that life which you have chosen for us. Overcome our apathy and energize us with your powerful Spirit. This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.

February 14: Lord our God, you raised Cyril and Methodius to proclaim the Gospel in a hostile land and gave them intellectual gifts to translate, create an alphabet, and teach, so raise up in this and every land bishops and ministers who are willing to persevere to the end in proclaiming the Gospel of our Lord Yeshuah haMoshiach. This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.

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