Torah: Exodus 7:14-10:29
Prophet: 1 Samuel 22:1-23
Writing: Baruch 3:
Psalm: 106
Epistle: Ephesians 4:
Gospel: Mark (9:
Collect: : Dear Lord, who took up your cross and
commanded us to follow you. Help us not to worry about our place in this world,
nor that to come, but to learn to humble ourselves in your sight, to pick up
our crosses and to follow you. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach who
lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting.
Monday: Jesus
Christ, our mediator between human being and God, we put our lives in your hands so you can plead our case before the
Almighty God. Help us to be constant in our faith in you as the one who is
there to support and sustain us. With prayer and supplication we make our
concerns known to you. Amen.
Father; who gave Patrick the strength to persevere and power to forgive his
enemies, give us the strength and ability to forgive those who wrong us, and
willingness of heart to tell them of the great love of Yeshuah. This we ask in his name, who lives and
governs with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)
Tuesday: Creator God, you have formed us
from dust and have elaborated a handy work that is beyond all human
understanding. We are mindful of who we are and from whence we came. Enable us
to reflect your image which is the fruits of the spirit. Thank you, Lord, for
making us who we are. Through Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen
Father, you raised up Cyril as Patriarch of Yerushalayim to guide Bishops and
Presbyters in their calling to be teachers and ministers of the
sacraments. Raise up in this and every
generation Bishops and Presbyters who will faithfully instruct your people in practical
Christian faith and living. This we ask
through the author and perfecter of our faith, Yeshuah haMoshiach our Lord, who
livers and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory
everlasting. Amen. (white)
Wednesday: Gracious
God, we are challenged daily by the need to love and trust others in our homes
and in the world at large. Help us to learn from Yeshua our Lord. Though he was
betrayed he was able to pray for the forgiveness of his betrayers and abusers.
Father, you raised up Yosef to be a step Father to our Lord Yeshuah
haMoshiach. Grant that every father would
be as faithful as Yosef in his sacred responsibility of modeling your
fatherhood to us. This we ask through
the same Yeshuah haMoshiach our Lord,
who called Yosef, “father.” Amen. (white)
Thursday: Sacrificial Lamb, we are grateful
for your willingness to give your life
for the sake of all who are willing to surrender their life to you. It
is with your love and example shown that we can now reconcile to you, O
God almighty, as the guardian of our soul. Amen.
for the sake of all who are willing to surrender their life to you. It
is with your love and example shown that we can now reconcile to you, O
God almighty, as the guardian of our soul. Amen.
you called Cuthbert from being a shepherd of sheep to being a shepherd of
persons. Grant that as we was willing to
spread the Gospel in remote and dangerous places, that we too may be willing to
proclaim the Gospel in areas of which we might fear and to people of whom we
may be afraid. This we ask through
Yeshuah haMoshiach, who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one
God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)
Friday: Suffering servant HaMoshiach, by
your sacrifice we are saved from death and redeemed to serve you. Help us to
proclaim your kingship and your kingdom to the world. Amen
Father, you granted to your Bishop Thomas Cranmer great gifts in ordering the
worship and prayer life of the English people, and though he slipped led him to
repent of his recantations. Grant that
we would truly seek to worship you in the spirit of holiness, and be ready to
give up our lives for you. This we ask
through Yeshuah, who lives and reins and is worshipped with you and the Ruach
haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting.
Amen. (red)
Saturday: Almighty
God, in Jesus Christ you have called us to be your disciples;
however, we do not want to obey you as our commander. We talk when we
shouldn't and keep silent when we should stand up for what is right and
pleasing in your sight. Help us to be of sound mind so that in humility
we can respond to your calling. Have mercy on us humbly; through Jesus
our anointed King. Amen
however, we do not want to obey you as our commander. We talk when we
shouldn't and keep silent when we should stand up for what is right and
pleasing in your sight. Help us to be of sound mind so that in humility
we can respond to your calling. Have mercy on us humbly; through Jesus
our anointed King. Amen