Torah: Deuteronomy 17:14-18:8
Prophet: Joshua 1:1-18
Writing: Wisdom of
Solomon 19:1-22
Epistle: Ephesians 1:
Gospel: Luke 20: 41-21:47
Collect: Gracious Father, who looks on the heart and
not on appearances. Help us to
think more about our relationship with
you than with the goods and services of this world. This we ask in the name of Yeshuah
haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in
glory everlasting.
15 October: Heavenly Father, you gave Theresa of
Avila gifts of endurance and a great love for you. Grant that we may love you as much as she
did, and seek your kingdom, not matter the cost. This we ask through Yeshuah, who lives and
reins with you and Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen. (white)
16 October: Gentle Yeshua, give us the courage to reach
out to touch the hand of a stranger or our neighbor, to show them the love you
have for us all. Through our touch, may they feel your presence. This we ask
through our Lord and Saviour Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and reins with you
and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.
17 October: Heavenly Father, as you raised up your
servant Ignatius to be Bishop of Antioch and to suffer and die for his
faith. Grant that we may gather more
frequently to celebrate the Eucharist, sharing the medicine of immortality, and
that we would follow the bishop, as Jesus followed the Father, follow the
presbytery as we would follow the apostles, and respect the deacons as we
respect God’s law. This we ask through
our Lord and Saviour Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and reins with you and the Ruach
haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting.
Amen. (red)
18 October: Almighty
Healer, we are woven as part of your wondrous being, and you inspired your
servant Luke to set down your life and tell of your healing love. We are so grateful for the loving care you
provide through the nurture of our bodies, minds, and souls in order that we
can be for you in this world. This we
ask in the name of our blessed Saviour who healed the sick, raised the dead and
proclaimed liberty to the captives.
Amen. (red)
19 October:
Healing Lord, we come to you in sickness, despair, and with worries on our
hearts. Thank you for allowing us to lay our fears and sins at your feet,
knowing you will calm us and show us your mercy. Amen.
20 October: Our
pockets may be lined with riches, our homes filled with treasures, but without
your blessings, Lord, we have nothing. You are our provider and protector. Only
by your grace and your love will we prosper. Amen.