Torah: Genesis 36:1-37:3a
Prophet: Jeremiah 32:1-44
Writing: Psalms of Solomon 17:1-46
Psalm: 169-176
For the Epistle: Rev. 22:1-21
Gospel: Mark 9:38-50
Collect: Heavenly Father who commands the Universe, blessed be your name. Cleanse us by the power of your spirit that we would not stumble, nor cause others to stumble, and teach us to work with all who work in your name that we would not lose our reward, but further evermore the advance of your kingdom. This we ask through Adonai Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting. Amen.
8 March: Thomas Aquinas
9 March: Gregory of Nyssa
10 March: Perpetua (transferred from Sunday)
12 March: Gregory of Rome