Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First Sunday after Christmas: 30 December

During the 12 Days of Christmas, we remember how Jesus came into the world, to show us the way, and to give his life as a ransom for many.  We should go and do likewise.

Torah:  Genesis 4:1-5:32
Prophet:  Joshua 11:1-12:23
Writing:  Sirach 10:1-11:28
Psalm:  49
Epistle:  Gal 3:23-4:7
Gospel:  Mt. 1:18-25

Collect:  Emanuel, you are the power which created the fiery sun and stars, the galaxies, and all that there is, yet you humbled yourself to be carried in the womb for nine months, and to be a little child, that you could dwell with us and be like us in all aspects save sin.  Grant, Adonai, that we may fully appreciate what you did for us, that we would learn to humble ourselves in your sight, and truly allow Yeshua to be our guide.  This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh in glory everlasting.  Amen.

24 December: Sacrificial Lord, your incarnation continues to startle the world. There are still those who question the divine mystery of your birth. Those who are touched by your intervention in their lives hail you as their King and Savior. We prepare to welcome you anew this Nativity celebration. This we do in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen. (violet, gold after Sundown)

25 December:  At your birth upon this earth, Lord we adore you. We worship you and we bless you for indeed you are King of kings and Lord of lords. We receive you anew this day not as the child in the manger, but as our true Savior and Lord. Amen. (gold)

26 December:  Emanuel, you raised up your servant Stephan to a ministry of service and to preach the Gospel.  Teach us like him to forgive those who persecute us, and to be faithful in service and proclaiming your kingdom, this we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who took our nature upon himself to redeem it.  Amen.  (red)

27 December:  Emanuel, you raised up John to proclaim the Gospel, to reveal that you are love, and to be Bishop of Ephesus.  Help us to so love one another that the world would see you in us and our behaviour and come to know you as Lord, and Saviour:   this we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who took our nature upon himself to redeem it.  Amen.  (white)

28 December:  Emmanuel, as we remember the lives and deaths of those who died when Herod was attempting to kill you, help us to resist tyrants, and to stand strong against those forces today which would destroy innocent lives, whether through neglect or intent:  this we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who took our nature upon himself to redeem it.  Amen.  (red)

29 December: Emmanuel, you raised up Thomas  Becket to protect the church against the authorities of this world.  Help us to remember that the church must be in subjection to you and your word, and not to the authorities or whims of this world:  this we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who took our nature upon himself to redeem it.  Amen.  (red)

Sunday, December 16, 2012

4th Sunday of Advent

The last Sunday of Advent, our focus changes from concentrating on the second coming of Christ, to preparing for the birthday of Jesus.   We look at Miriam’s response to the Lord, and we need to repeat it ourselves daily, “be it unto me according to your word.”  Our Gospel last week reminds us, that true faith results in a changed life, not only in caring for the poor, the sick and the homeless, but in aligning our relationships with God’s word, that is in how we treat others, and getting rid of all sexual relationships outside of marriage.  If we are going to say with Miriam, “be it unto me according to your word, we must mean it seriously, and learn to be God’s servants, obeying his every command.  As James says, “Faith without action is completely dead.”

Torah:  Genesis 3:1-24
Prophet:  Joshua 10:1-40
Writing:  Sirach 9:1-18
Psalm:  42
Epistle:  Revelations 7:1-17
Gospel:  Luke 1:26-38

Collect:  El Shaddai, when you sent your angel Gabriel to Miriam, she accepted your message, and put her faith in you to complete your word in her, that The Word, Yeshua would be born into the world.  Aid us, that our faith would be equal to hers, trusting you for defense, and trusting that you would complete your word in us today.  This we ask through your son, Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God, in shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

17 December: El Shadai, give us a faith like that of your servant, Daniel. He was not afraid to go into the lion's den or stand inside the burning fiery furnace. You delivered him! You upheld your faithful servant. Give us that kind of faith and take away our unbelief! This we ask through Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reigns with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God in glory everlasting.  Amen.  (white)

18 December:  El Shadai, you suffered so much for our salvation. We may endure weeping for a night but through the manifold grace of our God, joy comes in the morning. Thank you for the mornings, which usher in new hope enabling us to go on another day. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

19 December:  El Shadai, you are the only true God. You call and form everything into existence. Sometimes we behave as if we ourselves control our destiny.  Give us the humility to recognize that you alone are God, and all things must come under your authority. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

20 December:  Come, long expected Yeshua. Come, Lord, and set your people free. Many are still in darkness, being denied of your liberating power. As in days of old, redeem our souls unto your kingdom. Set your people free to glorify you. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

21 December:  El Shadai, who gave Thomas the strength to be ready to die for you, and the grace to travel to India.  Help us that we may always be ready to give our lives for you and ready to travel to the far ends of the earth to proclaim your Gospel.  This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen. (red)

22 December:  El Shadai, Savior of the World, you know each of us by name. In our confessions, we rejoice that the message of the advent season is one of liberation and redemption. May we accept your redemptive love for us this day, and be willing to share the love of HaMoshiach with others. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

3rd Sunday of Advent: 16 December 2012

Torah:  Genesis 2:4-25
Prophet:  Joshua 9:1-27
Writing:  Sirach 8:1-19
Psalm:  1
Epistle:  Revelations 6:1-17
Gospel:  Matthew 25:31-46

(Note:  Below are Old Testament Readings to be used at Matins during Hanuakah.)

Collect:  El Shadai, your son Yeshua gave up his glory and his place at your right hand to come to Earth to save sinners.  Help us, Adonai, that we would not put family, home, riches, or fame ahead of you, but that we would be willing to give up all for you, that we would receive the benefits of your kingdom.   This we ask through your son, Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God, in shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.  (blue or rose)

10 December:  El Shaddai, our God, through whom the world is illuminated, may the light of HaMoshiach guide our path this day. We pray for those who are still trapped in darkness brought about by unaffirmed sins. May the light of HaMoshiach direct them to the path of peace in Yeshua. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.
*          (c) 1986, 1993 by Dosia Carlson. Used by permission.

11 December:  El Shaddai, loving and Eternal God, you came in human history to reconcile lost mankind to the joy and fellowship we first knew. You created us and said, "It is good." Thank you, dear Lord, for your work of reconciliation. Amen.

12 December:: El Shaddai, ever-present God, it is sometimes difficult to shut out the many distractions around us and focus on you. Help us, O Lord, to cultivate a true attitude of meditating on you so that we can truly grasp the real joy of abiding in you. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

13 December:  El Shaddai, you are our loving, merciful God, when we contemplate the debt of your mercy, we are at a loss to know how you could love us so. Thank you for your grace and mercy. May we use our new found freedom in HaMoshiach to forgive someone who has wronged us. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

14 December:  El Shadai, Gracious God,  your servant, St. John of the Cross learned to love you through suffering.  Raise up in this and every generation, people of valour, willing to give their all for you, who will stand up for the truth, and proclaim through poetry, speech and deed your eternal love for us.  This we ask through Yeshua, who lives and reigns with you in Shekina glory everlasting.    Amen.

15 December:  El Shadai , our God, how comforting it is to be reminded that however much we falter and stray from you, you will keep reaching out for us. We thank you this day for being there to catch us when we fall from faith. Thank you for your love. Amen.

Old Testament Lessons for Chanukah

10 December:  II Maccabees 8:1-7
11 December:  II Maccabees 8:8-29
12 December: II Maccabees 8:30-33
13 December: II Maccabees 8:34-36
14 December : II Maccabees 9:1-17
15 DecemberII Maccabees 9:18-29
16 December: II Maccabees 10:1-8

Sunday, December 2, 2012

2nd Sunday of Advent: 9 December 2012

As mentioned last week, Advent is a time to prepare for the coming of Messiah.  The lessons, especially from the Epistle and Gospel remind us, that Yeshua will come as a thief in the night, and that we must learn to always be ready for his coming.   We must be like the Jews of Yerushalim who refuse to visit the Dome of the Rock for fear that Messiah would come while they are in it.  That is how prepared we must be.  Every moment of our life lived as though Messiah would return at any minute.

Torah:  Genesis 1:1-2:3
Prophet:  Joshua 7:1-36
Writing:  Sirach 7:1-36
Psalm:  100
Epistle:  Revelations 5:1-14
Gospel:  Matthew. 24:29-42
Collect:  El Shadai, you sent Yeshua into the world to begin the kingdom, announcing by word and mighty acts that you were in the world. Open our hearts and minds through the power of the Ruach haKodesh, so that no matter when you return, we will be prepared for that coming, living lives of holiness, and bearing much fruit. This we ask in the name of Adonai  Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and reins with you and the Ruach haKodesh, one God, in shekina glory everlasting. Amen. (blue)

Morning Prayer Old Testament Reading for today is:  

I Maccabees 1:41-64

3 December:  El Shadai:  You raised up Francis Xavier to proclaim the Gospel in diverse lands of Asia.  Raise up in this and every generation men and women who are ready to proclaim the Gospel to all the world, no matter what the cost.  This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach who lives and reins with you and the Rucah haKodesh, on God in Shekina glory everlasting.    Amen.

4 December:  El Shaddai, you raised up your presbyter, John of Damascus to defend the faith, and write hymns.  So raise up in this and every generations men and women who will defend the church against heresy and who will stand up for the faith.  This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who stood against the false teaching of his time, and who lives and reigns with you and Ruach haKodesh, one God in shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.  (white)

5 December:  El Shaddai, your presbyter Clement of Alexandria came to you after much seeking and dedicated himself to teaching the faith to Christians and Pagans.  Grant in this and every place men and women who are dedicated to teaching your holy word to those who know and do not know you, and grant that we would truly teach Christians what is truly meant to walk with you.  This we ask through our Saviour, Yeshuah haMoshiach who taught his disciples the truth.  Amen.  (red)

6 December:  El Shaddai, as you raised up Nicholas of Myra to be generous to the poor, children and sailors, bless us that we may be blessings to all who are in need, and teach us to protect the poor, children, sailors, and others whom this world has forgotten, and let your blessing be upon them as well.  This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen. (red)

7 December:  El Shaddai, you raised up Ambrose to keep the peace, to teach the faith and to enrich our worship of you.  Be for us Lord, medicine when we are sick, our strength when we need help, the way when we long for heaven, our light when all is dark, and our food when we need nourishment.  Send your Ruach haKodesh upon us that we would serve you as Ambrose did.  This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.  (white)

8 December:  El Shaddai, God of all creation, we pray that your kingdom will be manifested in our lives this day. We pray for our congregations which sow the seeds of your word faithfully. May you nourish them that they may bring forth abundant harvest into your kingdom. This we ask in the name of Yeshua haMoshiach, who lives and governs  with you in Shekina glory everlasting.  Amen.

Hanukah begins tonight at Sunset